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Operative finding of choledochal cyst, the distal part of the cyst is very small and drains into the duodenum
Icteric sclera of a jaundiced boy

Acholic stool, a clue for diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice

Liver scan of a child with biliary atresia, no drainage of radionuclide into bowel

Normal operative cholangiography showed normal tract of common bile duct and both right and left hepatic duct

Operative finding of biliary atresia, atretic gallbladder is noted with cholestatic liver
Operative finding of biliary atresia, atretic gallbladder is noted with cholestatic liver
Portoenterostomy (Kasai's operation) is the surgical treatment of choice

Gross pathology of liver in biliary atresia revealed some cirrhosis around the atretic bile canaliculi and some regeneration around the patent bile canaliculi, the characteristic finding in partially treated biliary atresia
Gross pathology of liver in biliary atresia with failed operative correction
A child with chronic liver failure - deep jaundice, ascites, dilated abdominal veins and cachexia are noted

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