Abdominal Pain
Page 2
Gastric outlet obstruction due to chronic prepyloric ulcer in a teenage boy, plain X-ray showed air fluid level in the distended stomach with minimal air in the rest of the bowels.
Gastric outlet obstruction due to chronic prepyloric ulcer in a teenage boy, upper GI study showed complete obstruction

Pyloric atresia or Antral web was associated with rectal atresia, barium enema study showed completely obstruction with the proximal blind end at upper rectum. Air in the distended stomach with the pattern of gasless abdomen was also noted, indicating another obstruction at gastric outlet.

Antral web associated with rectal atresia, upper GI study showed complete cbstruction at the pyloric region

Operative finding of Antral web, a forceps was passed through the lumen to demonstrate the web.

Operative finding of Antral web, the web is being excised and the catheter is passing through the new lumen created
Duodenal atresia, double bubble sign in plain abdominal film is a specific finding

Duodenal atresia, double bubble sign in plain abdominal film is a specific finding
Duodenal atresia, diagram shows various types
Diagram shows the corrective procedure of Duodenal atresia , diamond shaped duodeno-duodenostomy is demonstrated.

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